This is not a proper date…

This is not a proper date…

Over the last few weeks I’ve been asked out on a lot of dates. While flattering to be asked, their ideas of a “date” don’t match with mine, especially for a 1st date. Recently I’ve been asked to:

  • Meet at their car and keep them company while they wait for their windshield to get fixed
  • Run errands with them
  • Meet at their office and walk them home from work
  • Sit with them while they do laundry

So yesterday when a guy asked me out and suggested I meet him at his garage bands rehearsal, I responded with the following: (think Dr. Seuss)

Let’s get something straight. That is not a proper 1st date.

I will not meet you at your car or see you singing in a bar.

I will not walk you to your lair, I will not walk you anywhere.

A date you see, is how I get to know you and you get to know me.

It should be relaxed, where one person talks and the other talks back.

Dinner, drinks or coffee are great… those would be a proper date.

Lol obviously I haven’t heard back

Happy dating!

Missed the Target

Missed the Target

Last week I was chatting with a guy online. He asked if I’d like to meet for coffee, he’d come to my neighborhood.

It was really sweet, but my neighborhood is the only place in the world that doesn’t have a cafe/coffee place. In a 2-3 mile radius we have at least 4 grab and go Dunkin Donuts, and like 20 deli/convient stores. But no place to sit and have a cup of coffee. And not for lack of trying. 2 opened and closed within a year. I guess only tea drinkers live here. Lol.

So I said I’d like to meet but there were only grab and go places, but we could go to any of the restaurants and have coffee or a drink. 

Guy: “no Starbucks?”

Me: “only a grab and go in the Target”

Guy: “maybe we could get something there and walk around?”

Me: “around Target?”

Guy: “oh is that bad?”

REAALYY!? Now let me be clear. I love Target. They know me there. The baristas get my drink ready when they see me in line. If I’m not there 4 times a week, get well cards get sent to the house (ok, not really but you get my point – I’m there a lot – and it would be nice if they checked in to see how I was doing). And I did have to make a Target run. But it’s not a place I’d go on a date! 

Knowing that my friend Ava would appreciate it, I took a screenshot and sent her the conversation.

Ava: laughing hysterically “are you going to go?”

Me: “only if I get to push the cart” 

Me: “And is he going to pay for my stuff? If we went to a restaurant he’d pay for dinner. So if we are at Target he should pay for the toothpaste and iced tea. Of course I’d have to add things like depends and foot fungal cream, just cause it’s funny.” 

Ava: “I think you should!” 

In the meantime he messaged me and said maybe I was right, a restaurant would be better. And we set the time and place. He was nice, but he hasn’t seen any movies, gone to a sporting event, concert or theater since his last girlfriend – 2 years ago. His friends are married, their wives don’t like him (red flag!). So he works, goes to the gym, out for a few drinks and home (more red flags).

When our coffee was done we left. It was too late to do the rest of my errands. Missed the Target… on all fronts. 

To sum it all up

To sum it all up

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I promise to get better at it. But I thought I’d sum up my last two weeks in dating world.

Last weekend in a matter of 24 hours I was contacted (on a dating site) by an agoraphobic, who hasn’t left his house in 10 years, and a federal prisoner with glaucoma.

Considering that, I guess tonight’s date wasn’t so bad. He just made snorty sounds like he was trying to blow snot out and fell asleep at the table while he was talking (guess I wasn’t the only one bored). But at least I got dinner so not a total waste of good lip gloss!


Date safely

Date safely

I read this today and felt the need to share.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to date smart and safely. Stranger danger isn’t just for kids.

LADIES…. Never go someplace you don’t know, to meet someone you’ve never met before. And if he won’t come to you, meet where you feel comfortable, he’s not worth it.

GUYS… Real men meet where it is closer and safer for a woman, chivalry  isn’t dead.

For more on dating safely see my rules for dating.

My dating rules

Producing my very first show!

Producing my very first show!

Excited to be PRODUCING my very first show, with such an AMAZING LINE UP!

$25 gets you a night of laughter and 2 drinks…. Best deal EVER!

June 6, 2015 at 8:30 pm

Tickets selling fast! Get yours today!

Hope to see you there!image

All You Need is a Dollar and A Dream

All You Need is a Dollar and A Dream

If that dream is to have good dates.  A fellow writer friend of mine, George Reagan, wrote a book “Masterdate: the handy guide to internet dating for guys” ( and the e-book is only 99 cents!

I love this book. I think everyone should read it, even girls. It gives us gals great insight and things we can learn and check as well. But for guys, it really is a reality check. He talks about every thing from using deodorant to what to do on a date. I love it.

I think every guy should have to read it in high school, college and every divorce lawyer should hand it out. I joke around that I’m going to hand it out to my dates. Well after my date this weekend (more on him very soon) I kinda did….. (Images blocked for a reason)…
